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Creston Rd (SLO-2)

Current Conditions

7/27/24 2:15 AM (-07:00)
Updated Every 15 Minutes
Temp 5ft 51.2 °F   14.3
Temp 30ft 51.8 °F   13.6
Inversion 0.5 °F   0.6
RH 81 %   33
Dew Pt 45.5 °F   0.6
Wet Bulb 48.8 °F   5.3
Wind Spd 0.2 mph   0.1
Wind Gust 2.4 mph   0.7
BatVolt 12.5 V   0.1

Today & Yesterday

Creston Rd (SLO-2_

7/27/24 2:15 AM (-07:00)
Updated Every 15 Minutes
Daily Max Temp 52.4 °F   17.1
Time of Max Temp 0117
Daily Min Temp 50.8 °F   14.1
Time of Min Temp 0157
Daily Max Wind 2.4 mph   0.7
Time of Max Wind 0200
Daily Rain 0.00 In
Yest MaxT 101.0 °F
Yest MinT 52.0 °F
Yest MaxGst 19.8 mph
Yest Precip 0.00 In